Learn to leverage everything

Master of communication

To become a master of communication, you only need to leverage three points:

  1. Pain points
  2. Humor points
  3. Emotional points

Pain points cannot be overlooked; without them, it’s like losing the bridge to communicate with the audience.

You will need some sense of humor, you won’t be able to influence the majority of people in this world without it. The contagiousness of laughter is greater than any virus that exists on Earth.

Emotional depth is essential; without it, you cannot lead the audience to an emotional climax. The ones who can move people to tears are those who leave the most indelible marks on their lives.


Many movies begin with the protagonist losing a loved one, instantly evoking the audience’s sympathy for their fate. Jim Carrey, Stephen Chow, and Charlie Chaplin are all masters of humor.

Effective communication avoids a monotonous pace. In recent years, Marvel movies, with their non-stop dazzling battles and constant climaxes, have led to audience aesthetic fatigue.

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