Category: Profitable Reads

  • Products positioning:Every Bite is Dad’s Love — Creating Healthy and Delicious Meat Products for Kids

    Backgroud: In today’s busy world, parents are increasingly concerned about their children’s healthy diet and quality of life. However, how to provide healthy, delicious, and nutritious meals for children within limited time has become a challenge for many parents. To address this issue, our meat processing factory is dedicated to producing high-quality meat products for…

  • Why I Started My Business?

    Hello Everyone, I’ve started this blog to document my daily life, share insights about making money, and discuss meaningful and philosophical topics. Today, I want to talk about why I decided to start a new business. A few years ago, I established a chicken slaughterhouse factory in China, producing various chicken products. This factory operated…

  • 7 Steps to Build High-Value Connections Without Necessarily Socializing

    Leveraging the internet and targeted interactions to build valuable connections without the need for extensive socializing. 1. Understand Introversion and Social Skills: Realize that being introverted doesn’t mean you can’t socialize. Socializing is a skill, not a personality trait. Many people use “introversion” as an excuse to avoid uncomfortable situations, but it’s important to face…

  • people to be thankful for

    Reflecting on life’s journey, it becomes clear that sometimes the most challenging people teach us the most valuable lessons. Here are seven types of people you might encounter, each offering a unique lesson that can help you grow: In the entrepreneurial world, you’ll meet a wide array of characters. Remember to be thankful for those…

  • Leverage Bias, Not Just Consensus

    The impulse to consume is the cornerstone of civilization’s progress. Consensus is the endpoint of bias, and when things reach their endpoint, life ceases. Therefore, it is essential to continuously seek out biases within consensus because bias is what fuels vitality. Human Weaknesses There are three fundamental weaknesses in human nature: Whether in entrepreneurship, product…

  • Leverage Intelligence, Not Just Strength

    Understanding the hidden meanings behind brand positioning statements can save you from unwisely spending on misguided purchases. “Premium” positioning usually means higher pricing. “Professional” suggests facing strong competitors, positioning the brand as a second-place choice. “Far ahead” often indicates an attempt to capture the market with low prices. “Cost-saving” targets lower-tier markets. “Service-focused” may imply…