Leverage Bias, Not Just Consensus

The impulse to consume is the cornerstone of civilization’s progress.

Consensus is the endpoint of bias, and when things reach their endpoint, life ceases. Therefore, it is essential to continuously seek out biases within consensus because bias is what fuels vitality.

Human Weaknesses

There are three fundamental weaknesses in human nature:

  1. Willfulness
  2. Greed
  3. Vanity

Whether in entrepreneurship, product development, or marketing, strategies should be designed around these human weaknesses.

Willfulness: “I call the shots on my turf,” reflects a value proposition that resonates with the individualism and stubbornness of youth. Statements like, “I’ll discuss this with the boss” or “I’ll shoot wherever I want” exemplify this trait.

Greed: People are drawn to products that offer high value for money. Leveraging this human weakness can integrate your brand more thoroughly into the everyday lives of the masses.

Vanity: Marketing for luxury goods and cars often taps into this weakness. Phrases in advertisements like “You deserve this,” “Unchanged to change the world,” or “Nobody owns a Patek Philippe. They merely look after it for the next generation,” effectively capture the consumer’s heart.

Understanding these human weaknesses is the first step in mastering business. All individuals have vulnerabilities, and by designing business strategies that cater to these intrinsic human flaws, one can enhance product development, marketing, and entrepreneurial efforts.

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