Leverage Bias, Not Just Consensus

Why Do We Experience Impulsive Buying?

  1. Sufficient Budgets Prompt Impulses: When people have excess money, they’re more likely to make impulsive purchases. “Consumption upgrading” is essentially scheduling your impulsive spending into your life.
  2. Design Aesthetics Trigger Desires: A $100 hairdryer might work just fine, but a $3,000 Dyson can awaken your desire to spend through its superior design and aesthetics. Why settle for less when something more beautifully designed is within reach?
  3. Brands Use Status to Spark Impulses: You can drive a car worth $10,000, but why do people still take loans to buy Mercedes, BMW, or Audi? These brands leverage social status to provoke purchasing impulses.
  4. Fascination with the Future: Isn’t Earth good enough? Why aim for Mars? Big rockets and ambitious projects like Mars colonization tap into the same impulsive drive for exploration and advancement that excites innovators like Elon Musk.
  5. Impulses Distinguish Us from Complacency: Without impulses, what separates us from mere existence, like salted fish? Impulsive behavior is a cornerstone of civilizational progress. We don’t have too many impulses; if anything, we have too few.
  6. Family Dynamics and Upgrading Lifestyle: If a wife wants a bigger house, it might drive her husband to work harder. If a husband enjoys hosting friends, his wife might push herself to be a “sophisticated mom” who can’t be outshone by other women. This leads to upgraded consumption—larger dining tables, finer sofas, and more exquisite dinnerware. Celebrating achievements like playing the piano at a gathering or hiring tutors for a child to excel at an international school are examples of how desires for recognition and improvement drive consumption.

Impulsive buying isn’t just about irrational decision-making; it’s a reflection of deeper desires for betterment, recognition, and fulfillment in life.

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