Leverage Intelligence, Not Just Strength

Defining Your Brand’s Audience

To effectively target your brand’s audience, adhere to these three essential principles:

  1. Value System
  2. Aesthetic System
  3. Pricing System

Value System: Your brand’s values should not be far above or below your customers’ understanding. If it’s too high, they won’t understand it; if too low, they won’t respect it. The best scenario is when customers exert a little effort to grasp and appreciate your values.

Aesthetic System: High aesthetics often come with high costs. The expense of designing a luxury brand’s storefront could take decades to recoup from sales of lower-priced items like snacks.

Aesthetics are a core element in determining how far a brand can go. Your product’s design must resonate and connect with your target audience’s sense of beauty. Don’t discuss industrial design with someone who prefers European styles—it’s like talking at cross purposes.

Pricing System: Whether it’s high, medium, or low, every pricing strategy can be successful and can filter and attract specific types of customers. However, in the consumer sector, it’s essential to position as a high-priced brand.

The relationship between a brand and its customers is delicate and should not be oversimplified with the notion that “the customer is always right,” which can push customers and brands into opposition. Instead, brands and customers should be mutual beneficiaries, motivators, and supporters in a modern, reciprocal relationship. This approach fosters deep mutual recognition and loyalty.

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