Leverage Intelligence, Not Just Strength

Learning to Say No

Entrepreneurs’ Five Refusals:

  1. Refuse superfluous networking: Minimize ineffective social interactions. In the world of adults, doing less can often mean more, especially in terms of reducing fruitless social activities.
  2. Refuse unfamiliar investments: Invest time and money in your primary field of expertise. Avoid investing in areas you do not understand. When possible, invest in talent and the best equipment, as the tools you use directly determine your productivity. Many people lose money and waste time on random investments in stocks and funds.
  3. Refuse obligations over principles: Mature entrepreneurs should have a compassionate heart but also be decisive and tough when necessary; one cannot command troops with kindness alone, nor manage wealth with mere righteousness.
  4. Refuse to maintain appearances at the cost of efficiency: The most successful entrepreneurs can adapt to any environment. The survival and well-being of the business are the greatest prestige.
  5. Refuse fragmentation: We live in an era filled with distractions, such as online games and short videos, that can easily consume your time. Entrepreneurs addicted to such distractions are likely leading their companies toward failure.

In the conventional view, entrepreneurs are often seen as highly accommodating, sometimes compromising their principles to prove “I am the boss, and I can handle it.” However, knowing how to refuse when many people and situations conflict with business development is an art in itself.

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