Leverage Intelligence, Not Just Strength

Short Video as a Traffic Platform: The Four Key Selling Points

  1. Creation Platform: Short video platforms offer a fantastic venue for creators to showcase their ideas freely. As a free media platform, it allows for the expression of all your concepts without any financial investment. If your content is creative enough, it can generate significant traffic.
  2. Consumer Research Platform: Interacting with fans and viewers on these platforms provides invaluable firsthand data that can’t be obtained from official research reports. This direct feedback is crucial for understanding consumer preferences and behaviors.
  3. Building Your Own IP: It’s easy to build your own intellectual property (IP) on short video platforms. When you have a message to share with the public, you don’t need to go through various media channels or incur high costs. Platforms like TikTok allow you to amplify your voice extensively, and all for free.
  4. Testing Platform: Short videos are an excellent way to test and validate your creative ideas quickly. The viewer and comment counts within just six hours can give a clear indication of a video’s popularity and audience engagement.

On these platforms, fans typically fall into three categories: loyal fans who like everything you post, critics who challenge everything, and casual viewers who enjoy the content without getting deeply involved.

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