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Flow of inspiration

How to Come Up with Great Ideas?

How can one maintain a constant flow of inspiration? Here are some unconventional tips that have historically been associated with fostering creativity:

  1. Stay Hungry: There’s something about hunger that sharpens the mind. The renowned painter Xu Beihong once said that your senses are most acute when you’re hungry.
  2. Embrace Poverty: Even if you become affluent, spend your money. The poorer you are, the more urgently you’ll want to come up with creative ideas to attract clients and improve your life.
  3. Keep Cold: The process of generating ideas can cause your brain to heat up, leading to headaches if it becomes too hot. Being cold can stimulate adrenaline production, which can spark creativity. Just as many writers who are well-fed, warm, and comfortable often find themselves unable to produce their best work.

Historically, many artists and entrepreneurs have gone through such initial phases. There’s a saying, “Born in adversity, die in comfort.” Once living conditions improve, people tend to become conservative, lacking the drive to take bold risks.

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