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Stuck in industry Rat Race

Do you know when it’s time to exit an industry rat race?

Three signs of industry rat race:

  1. Increased Regulatory Scrutiny.
  2. Declining Return on Investment and Increased Service Difficulty.
  3. Proliferation of Industry Training Programs, indicating the harvesting of the last batch of newcomers.

When an industry enters a phase of rat race, it’s time to consider leaving, as delaying the exit only leads to greater passivity. We successfully extricated ourselves from the rat race of seven consumption cycles after 20 years in the advertising industry.

Industries like liquor, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, desktop internet, mobile internet, smart home appliances, mobile gaming, and health products were never our advertising clients because when the market is saturated, losses are inevitable.

The Thirty-Six Strategies advise: “To Leave is the Best Strategy.” Knowing when to exit requires prudence.

No industry is immune to collapse; only individuals who persevere indefinitely. Industries have cycles, and within these cycles, entrepreneurs must not only work diligently but also observe, discern patterns, and position themselves ahead of time. This is the mark of a seasoned entrepreneur.

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