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Community Small Vendors

Community small vendors need to achieve three things:

  1. Become a social hub.
  2. Become an information exchange center.
  3. Become a service center.

Do community small vendors need to build a brand? In a “community CBD,” focusing on the following three points is sufficient: Absolutely not! It’s a waste of money!

Becoming a social hub involves providing chairs for elderly residents to linger, consuming their time as much as possible. Keeping the elderly around increases the chances of their children spending money when they come to visit.

Becoming an information exchange center means collecting gossip to understand community dynamics clearly. Building strong community relationships allows for solidarity among residents, enhancing user engagement.

Becoming a service center entails offering small favors to everyone in the community, such as providing extra plastic bags or offering complimentary snacks, thereby increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases.

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