Ride the Trend, Believe in Trends

Don’t Think Too Far Ahead

How can you determine which stage your brand is in?

I’ll share five dimensions of entrepreneurship with you:

  1. Product
  2. Brand Name
  3. Brand
  4. Belief
  5. Civilization

The first dimension, the most basic, is when your product gains market traction.

The second dimension is when many people recognize your brand name.

The third dimension is when your brand attracts a significant following, transitioning into a recognized brand.

The fourth dimension is when your brand becomes a belief system, serving as a spiritual anchor.

The fifth dimension is when your brand transcends history and time, evolving into a civilization.

Many entrepreneurs falter because they attempt to leapfrog stages, aiming for brand status while still at the product stage, or aspiring for civilization while building their brand. Progress is incremental; you can’t rush history.

Brands follow a roadmap, strictly adhering to the trajectory of Product – Brand Name – Brand – Belief – Civilization. Reaching the third dimension yields substantial rewards for entrepreneurs. Achieving the fourth dimension almost places you at the apex of the global brand hierarchy.

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