Do not create cognition; instead, borrow it.

Brand Upgrade

What to do when your product stop selling?

1、Upgrade values.

2、Upgrade packaging.

3、Upgrade spokeperson.

Upgrade values. Shift from buying for use, to buy for health, and ultimately to buy for the benefit of future generations. Your positioning must be higher than your competitors.

Upgrade packaging. Upgrade the trademark and store decor, shifting from skeuomorphic to flat design. Aesthetic should be 10% ahead of the trend—any more than that can be fatal.

Upgrade the spokesperson. It’s not your product that has aged, but your spokesperson who has.


Building a brand is like playing a strategy game. Entrepreneurs, like players, must progressively upgrade their brand’s values and its ‘equipment’. Players need to maintain a good mindset because negative followers and a challenging media environment can easily cause frustration. Once everything is on track, you will reap the compound interest of your brand, much like having a game cheat activated, resulting in long-term fulfillment.

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