Do not create cognition; instead, borrow it.

Brand Culture

Low-end brands sell the feeling of security.

High-end brands sell a sense of superiority.

Ultra-high-end brands sell culture.

When you possess the dimension of time and a multitude of cultural icons, you become a massive superbrand. After the mid-20th century, although the U.S. was economically strong, it lacked cultural brands. Therefore, they introduced modernist artists like Andy Warhol to counter European classicism. Even a brand worth billions is insignificant in front of a cultural giant like I. M. Pei; many brands pale in comparison. Thus, many high-end brands ultimately polish their image with cultural heritage.


Many high-end brands are now collaborating with world-class cultural heritage sites to leverage the ‘traffic’ of top-tier culture. For example, destinations like the National Museum of China and the Palace Museum are highly favored by major brands; and globally renowned museums such as the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, the Louvre Museum, the British Museum in London, and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence have become the new arenas for these brands to elevate their prestige.

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