Leverage emotion, don’t pursue rationality.

Short on budget

When a business is short on budget, particularly those in their early startup phase, their advertising slogans need to be straightforward and clear.

Firstly, identify a unique selling point that can outshine competitors in your industry or product category. Find the unwritten rules of the game, and then, challenge them. People tend to think in binaries: big vs. small, black vs. white. They often view the world in this simplistic manner.

The method of binary opposition is a closely guarded secret in the communication industry. Some online shopping platforms divide the world into expensive vs. affordable, some delivery services into fast vs. slow, and some recruitment agencies into interviews with the boss vs. the juniors.

This approach, originating from philosophy, has proven time and again to be effective in brand communication. Creating effective advertisements and communications requires an understanding of both philosophy and psychology.

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