Leverage emotion, don’t pursue rationality.

Brand storytelling is an art form

To craft a compelling brand story, just follow three simple steps:

  1. Present a grievance
  2. Find a miraculous turnaround
  3. Spread universal love

Start by setting a scene of adversity—the more unfortunate, the better. For instance, consider a programmer who has lost all his hair, just like many of his peers. Despite consulting countless experts, his hair refused to regrow.

Then, introduce a turning point. One day, an elderly person shares a secret formula with him. With the help of a chemist, he finally finds a solution.

The final step involves selflessly sharing this discovery with the world, embodying the spirit of great love and generosity.

This formula—grievance, turnaround, and benevolence—mirrors the classic structure of movie scripts. It begins with a significant, albeit tragic, event that draws the audience in. This is followed by the protagonist’s struggles, reaching a climax of despair, and culminating in a joyful resolution, aligning with the common man’s aspirations for a better life.

If you doubt this structure’s efficacy, try applying it to any subject—like hot pot—and you’ll find yourself crafting an engaging brand story in no time.

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