Leverage emotion, don’t pursue rationality.

Unity of Knowledge and Action

Building an personal IP(Intellectual Property)requires the unity of knowledge and action:

Your face, your language, your behavior must all point to one particular trait. Have you ever noticed that when you face a stranger, you can pretty accurately guess their profession? Why is that? It’s because over time, a person’s actions develop a demeanor characteristic of their industry, what we call a professional demeanor.

Look at Musk, for instance. 20 years ago, he resembled a Texan redneck, but now, he exudes an idol-like quality. He invested a lot in crafting this image for his IP, spending hundreds of thousands just on hair transplants. So, in the field of mobile internet, shaping a face is the shortest path to building an IP.

If you have a simple and honest appearance, you can become a fishing anchor, or stand in a field gutting eels.

If your face screams youthful talent, you can talk about your entrepreneurial experiences, become a startup mentor, or conduct training courses.

You must tailor your IP according to the characteristics of your face. The unity of knowledge and action means your face, your language, and your behavior must all point to one particular trait.

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