Leverage emotion, don’t pursue rationality.

Why is it necessary to interview the boss?

When it comes to conducting business, why is it necessary to interview the boss?

In determining leadership, the top factor is actually appearance. Looking the part is paramount for leadership. Following closely behind is voice – sounding like a leader is second only to appearance.

Factors like reputation and background come after, while rational elements directly related to leadership, such as reasoning ability, judgment, and systematic thinking, don’t take the forefront.

For instance, in the 1960 presidential debate between Nixon and Kennedy, those watching TV generally thought Kennedy would win because he looked more like a leader, while those listening on the radio thought Nixon would win because his voice sounded more like a leader. Since there were more TV viewers than radio listeners, Kennedy ultimately won the election. Voters choose based on intuition – what leadership looks like. They form impressions based on their experiences, an instinctual trait evolved through human survival.

Remember, those who make you uncomfortable at first sight should never be collaborated with.

For example, a prominent internet tycoon, having failed his college entrance exams, once applied to KFC and dreamed of becoming a police officer, only to be rejected due to his physical features. While looks don’t define a person entirely, in some respects, a leader’s appearance and external qualities can enhance a company’s image, especially in industries like finance, culture, entertainment, and the internet.

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