Leverage emotion, don’t pursue rationality.

Classical heroes in the East and West

What are the differences between classical heroes in the East and West?

Firstly, Western heroes embody individualism, often seeking personal glory and ending with winning a romantic partner. Eastern heroes, on the other hand, are exemplars of collectivism. They do not seek personal accolades and typically withdraw from the limelight once their mission is complete, as lingering would indicate a lack of vision.

Secondly, Western heroes are not meant to die; if a hero must die, it will be the secondary character. Western narratives focus on the present. Eastern heroes, however, may sacrifice themselves for a greater cause, with an eye towards their legacy and how they will be remembered.

Thirdly, Western heroes are conquerors, often physically imposing, vying for new territories and markets. Eastern heroes, in contrast, are more reserved and strategic, demonstrating wisdom and competing within existing markets with careful planning and tactics.

In business, understanding both the present and the historical context, as well as the differences between Eastern and Western perspectives, is crucial. Eastern entrepreneurs care about their public image and historical legacy, whereas Western entrepreneurs focus more on current circumstances and personal interests.

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